Philosophy for Communities – space to think

February 10, 2021

Philosophy for Communities zoom sessionLibrary of Life P4C Community group zoom session

Library of Life P4C Community group session, Consumer Responsibilities stimulus

Empowering communities through wonder to explore ideas, values and beliefs.

At DECSY we are passionate about Philosophy for Communities (P4C) – a tool that provides people with the space to tell their own story and the skills to engage with differing viewpoints and build and improve critical thinking.

Philosophy for Communities is a progression from P4C in schools; realising that adults can benefit from this methodology as much as children. DECSY has been running Philosophy for Communities groups since January 2020, both face-to-face and virtually. 

 Responses from recent participants includes:

 ‘I have learnt that difference doesn’t mean argument.’

‘I have enjoyed the respectful conversations and the insights, and challenges that arise.’

‘I have learnt the importance of emotional intelligence in the art of questioning and listening.’

‘I have enjoyed different peoples perspective of what the problem was.’

Get in touch if you would like to join a session to have conversations with others about the issues that are concerning us right now.


It’s good to talk…. and to listen

One of the five steps to wellbeing is to connect with other people.

 Peaceful dialogue between people with potentially opposing points of view and even value systems is crucial to a world where the possibility exists of tensions being resolved without the use of force or violence. At its best, P4C sessions give people experiences of how it is possible to engage with differing viewpoints and disagree with them in a non-confrontational way.

 P4C sessions support people to have conversations with others about the issues that are concerning them right now. Each session enables people to come together (virtually or face-to-face) to tell their stories, addressing questions that matter to everyone present, helping groups to look at how things are changing, what is needed in this transition, and what is possible in the future. 


Critical thinking

We all need to develop the skills to critically engage with information and viewpoints that we encounter in our lives, whether these are from the media, the internet or books, school, family, friends or other people in our lives. Unless people can learn to think independently then there is always the possibility that they will be led unthinkingly into behaving in ways which may be damaging to themselves, others or the environment. Philosophical enquiry develops these critical thinking skills. Participants learn to ask questions in response to a variety of stimuli and each other; to give reasons for their opinions; examine their own values and tease out their own and others’ assumptions about an issue. Alongside this critical engagement, P4C encourages an openness to other people’s ideas and perspectives.

To find out more about Philosophy for Communities or to book a place on a session contact:


Crowd-funding opportunity to extend our Philosophy for Communities work

DECSY has launched a crowd-funding bid to enable us to run our Philosophy for Children After-School Club and extend P4C further with Philosophy for Communities groups in Sheffield and Rotherham.
Communities are strengthened when people from diverse backgrounds can meet and exchange ideas, offering the prospect of learning from each other and building tolerance and understanding.
Take a look here at a video of what people are saying about these P4C clubs:
Donations, via the website link above, will be invaluable in helping us pay for trained P4C facilitators and room hire to run sessions. Thank you for any amount that you are able to give to help us reach our funding goal.

Our current funders are: