Global Education Week – Peace for the planet, a planet of peace
Global Education Week – 13th – 19th November 2023
Global Education Week is an international initiative promoted by the Council of Europe. It’s based on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the five pillars of the Agenda 30 (People, Planet, Prosperity, Peace, Partnership).
The 2023 slogan is ‘Peace for the Planet. A Planet of Peace’ – focussing on two of the five pillars. Sadly, this theme, announced in July, has become even more relevant with the recent outbreak of hostilities in the Middle East bringing death and destruction into our news bulletins on a daily basis.
The Council of Europe website lists events in a range of countries including many in Eastern Europe (close to the war in Ukraine) and, nearer to home, Wales.
You don’t have to put on or take part in an official event thought to mark the week. If you’re grappling with how to respond to pupils’ questions and concerns about the violence in Palestine and Israel, see our recent blog post with lesson plans and teaching resources to help schools respond to grappling with what/how to talk to pupils about the escalating violence unfolding in Israel and Palestine. Available to download as a pdf: Israel and Palestine Teaching Resources
Other more general resources about war and peace can be found in our Resources Centre, for sale or to loan.
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