Gender Respect Education Project
The Gender Respect Education Project website has updates about this project.
DECSY’s Gender Respect Education Project grew out of One Billion Rising ( which inspired women and girls, and men who love them, to come out on the streets of more than 50 different cities across the globe on 14th February 2013. They called for the end of violence to women and girls in a life affirming demonstration of dance, banners and testimonies. The internet and social media were particularly relevant in this mobilisation and also in capturing the connecting power of seeing women in Kabul, Delhi, Manila and Sheffield out on the streets doing the same dance. One Billion Rising stimulated a debate at Westminster calling for much more attention to relationship education in schools. One Billion Rising is part of V-Day, a global activist movement to stop violence against women and girls (
The three year (2013-2016) Gender Respect Education Project aims to help children and young people to understand, question and challenge gender inequality and violence in a local-global context.
We have brought together teachers of pupils aged 4-14 along with creative practitioners and young people to develop engaging, participatory and creative curriculum activities and materials which meet the following learning outcomes:
Children and young people will:
- Question gender stereotyping (including engaging boys as well as girls)
- Understand global and historical contexts of gender relations
- Explore issues of power, freedom and human rights in the context of gender
- Feel empowered to take action (especially through the use of social media)
These curriculum materials are being disseminated widely through CPD / INSET
and websites.
Project partners include Chilypep, Sheffield One Billion Rising and VIDA.
As part of the project we carried out a Scoping Study of the project schools looking at children and young people’s views and attitudes towards gender. Download the Gender Respect Project Summary here and the full study here.